Audit Business Consulting Leading Innovation

your strategic partner in innovation, business strategy and product management

Contact Us Our Work

We provide Business2Business services and assist companies in making informed decisions and move forward

From developing business and product plans, marketing and communication end2end campaigns, innovation through digitalisation,
optimization of IT processes we have a service that can help your company


Strategic Management

Does your strategy guide how you allocate resources? Can every employee articulate your strategy and are they empowered to execute on it?


Marketing & Product plan

Product management, Market definition and strategy, Competitive intelligence, Marketing Planning & Research, Media & Communication


CEO role and Management Consulting

Taking the role of a CEO in a company, assuming responsibilities for making major company/ cluster decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company/ cluster


Empowering innovation & digitalisation

Help companies to become more competitive with regard to their business processes, products or services using digital technologies, providing also business and financing support to implement these innovations

Our Expertise and Competences

Audit Business Consulting - the company to boost your business

  • Does your strategy guide how you allocate resources? Can every employee articulate your strategy and are they empowered to execute on it? We work with companies to develop strategies that deliver results. If you are a SME, or a new start-up business looking for a management and marketing company to help you increase your top line, market share and net profits.
  • Product management - transformation of a market opportunity into a product available for sale, through a good understanding of customer needs, of the competitive environment; Market definition and strategy in terms of volume, value, segmentation, strategic analysis, lines of business integration, customer insights and profiling; Marketing Planning & Research - segmentation and industry analysis, market sizing, evolution to new technologies, forecasting, contingency plans Communication - develop an advertising campaign, optimize media budget

Empowering innovation & digitalisation

CEO role and Management Consulting

  • Taking the role of a CEO in a company, assuming responsibilities for making major company/ cluster decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company/ cluster, acting as the main point of communication between the board and company/cluster operations, and being the public face of the company/ cluster.
  • As part of the management team of the unique Digital Innovation Smart eHub in the regions Bucharest and South Muntenia, we offer support to companies to become more competitive with regard to their business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies, providing also business and financing support to implement these innovations. For a company to remain competitive nationally and internationally, it must be able to benefit from digital opportunities. We are here to help SMEs to lead to higher value products and smarter processes through digitalisation.

Why to choose Audit Business Consulting team

We deliver business consulting services to companies that want to become part of the innovation ecosystem

Innovation strategy

We are an independent boutique consulting firm devoted to helping companies achieve their ambitions for innovation and growth.Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing services of exceptional quality across development of innovation strategy, implementation of innovation culture and processes, commercialization of technology, and funding guidance.

Innovation funnel and processes

Our goal is to provide each customer with a customized consulting experience. We offer a unique combination of business consulting capabilities with over 20 years of experience of each team member. This enables us to provide solutions that are both practical and implementable with a deeper level of content. Our engagements feature world-class interdisciplinary project teams tailored to suit individual customer projects. Creativity and pragmatism are essential ingredients of successful consulting. We therefore cultivate an agile entrepreneurial mindset with a strong focus on success.

Innovation through digitalisation

Through our Managing Director, Emanuela Modoran, we are the initiator and coordinator of the first Digital Innovation Hub in the region. Ema has prepared the documentation required to obtain funding for the coaching, mentoring and attracted the resources necessary for the creation of the consortium to start developing the digitization innovation ecosystem.

Denumire proiect: Wallachia eHUB (WEH)

ID de proiect: EC/101083410 – WeH; POCIDIF/1147/2/1/161799

Wallachia eHUB (WEH) implementeaza proiectul WEH finanțat din fonduri nerambursabile, 50% prin Programul Europa Digitală (Digital Europe Programme - DEP) - EC/101083410 – WeH și 50% prin POCIDIF/1147/2/1/161799.

Proiectul vizează furnizarea de servicii de digitalizare și inovare a IMM-urilor/ APL-urilor (primării și consilii locale), în vederea eficientizării proceselor desfășurate prin transformarea digitală impusă de evoluția tehnologiilor informaționale, multimedia și de comunicație.

Valoare totală a finanțării: 3.172.262,50 Euro

Perioadă de implementare a proiectului: 1 ianuarie 2023 – 31 decembrie 2025

Regiunile de dezvoltare din România în care se implementează proiectul:

  • Regiunea Sud Muntenia
  • Regiunea București-Ilfov

Mai multe detalii pe site-ul official al proiectului

Auditco este partener in cadrul consortiului de proiect european Wallachia eHUB (WEH). WEH este un centru de inovare si digitalizare (European Dihital Innovation Hub) care deruleaza un proiect european intr-un consortiu regional format din 16 parteneri. Acest consorțiu are ca obiectiv armonizarea reciprocă a capacităţilor de a oferi servicii specializate sub formă de soluții digitale şi de interoperabilitate aplicând tehnologii avansate precum AI, securitate cibernetică, robotică, mobilitate, tehnologii de localizare (GIS), Building Information Modelling (BIM). Proiectul WEH oferă o gamă de servicii de înaltă tehnologie, care se concentrează pe inginerie logistică, agricultura de precizie, Smart City, servicii cu dublă utilizare (dual use), urbanism, etc dar și pe programe de formare privind conceptele cheie ale digitalizării.

Industriile planificate pentru a fi sprijinite prin intermediul proiectului WEH în următorii trei ani sunt: producție (mobilier, textile, structuri metalice și plastice, industria 4.0); industria agroalimentara; turism și patrimoniu (hoteluri, restaurante, bunuri de patrimoniu precum muzee, clădiri vechi, antreprenori implicați în turismul rural și piețe de nișă, inclusiv turism cu alimente ecologice de la producători locali); industria construcțiilor; energie, petrol și gaze; sănătate; automotive și autorități publice.

Obiectivele proiectului prevăd:

  • Sprijinirea nevoilor regionale de digitalizare și contribuția la crearea și consolidarea unei rețele de EDIH-uri la nivel european.
  • Coordonarea și stimularea procesului de transformare digitală prin servicii și soluții inovatoare integrate, cu efect multiplicator în Regiunea Sud Muntenia, dar si in Regiunea București-Ilfov; Consolidarea capacității ca furnizor de servicii de digitalizare.

Partenerii consortiului de proiect WEH oferă următoarele tipuri de servicii:


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